Scalloway Community Development Company
CONTACT : Andrew Blackadder 01595 880852

The Scalloway Community Development Company (SCDC) was created to deliver projects that will benefit Scalloway, in partnership to the Scalloway Community Council and other voluntary organisations, and the Shetland Islands Council.
The Current Board of Directors for SCDC is:
Chair: Davie Sandison
Vice-Chair: Mark Burgess
Secretary: Andrew Blackadder
Treasurer: John Hunter
Directors: John Mackenzie, Sarah Kay, Arthur Williamson
Development Coordinator: Stewart Douglas.
With the exception of Stewart, the Development Coordinator, SCDC is made up of volunteers and is open to anyone from the community to join as members, with an annual general meeting to decide board members. Membership is free at present, with a donation of £5 welcomed on joining but is not a set requirement. Memberships open to individuals and to other bodies like voluntary groups or businesses.
You can find a membership form here if you want to join up directly, or contact us using the form below.